We are passionate and dedicated to the mission of delivering food, clothing and financial support to improve the quality of life to those in need.
Poverty and hunger in America often go hand in hand. Many families who receive dinner boxes have little to no food. Not having food can make them feel hopeless. In reality it isn't just a dinner delivered to families, it's HOPE! Please support a family with food for dinner by donating today! We believe no act of kindness no matter how big or small is ever wasted!
Families are experiencing extremely challenging times with all that is happening in the world. We help serve communities by giving out dinner boxes with all the fixings for a special Holiday Meal in November and December. Meals usually come with a turkey, dressing, gravy, yams, corn, green beans, rice, mac n cheese, cranberry sauce, dinner rolls and a pie. Your investment will make a big difference in peoples lives. A family will enjoy a memorable meal because you cared!
Food Bags and Backpacks are filled with nutritious, ready to eat or easy to prepare foods that is provided for children and their families especially during weekends, summer months and holidays when school meals are not available. Your contribution will help ensure high-risk children and their families do not miss essential meals! This program also supports homeless community outreach. We are devoted to bringing an uplifting spirit to homeless families and individuals throughout the year!
The Keep Warm program provides items such as clothing, coats, blankets, socks and shoes to help keep people warm. This also supports countless poverty stricken and senior families who need some form of financial help to heat their home during the winter. There is little worse than being without the basic necessaries and ordinary comforts. Your contribution will help provide aid to low-income families who are struggling to keep warm in a major way!
Thank you for opening your heart with a gift to give hope to people in need during these difficult times.
Donate via Credit Card and PayPal “Donate Now” button below or our Venmo and Zelle account mmfchope@gmail.com
Maintain a copy of donation receipt for the 501c3 tax deduction.
"Do nothing from selfish or empty conceit, but with humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more important than himself; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others."
Philippians 2:3-4
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